2021 President – Ben Kooyman

When did you first come down the club?

Way back in 1998 as a 20 year old!

What brought you down to the club in the first place and what keeps you coming back?

Clay White & Ian Frame asked me to play in a bye week I had when I was at Norths…. and I ended up playing most games that season as the camaraderie was a lot different to the bigger scene at Norths. I’ve had a couple of breaks away when overseas and when my kids were born, but can’t stay away; the people and the atmosphere is like no other!

You’ve long been known around the club as one of the dogged hardmen of many of our premiership winning teams, what makes you tick away from the rugby field?

I’m lucky enough to have a great circle of family and friends and get pretty busy with work etc, so ‘escaping’ to Lofberg and away games is a great outlet! I’m also a bit partial to great coffee, the odd beer & wine, beach holidays with Phoebe and the kids, motorbiking; generally trying to live life to the fullest

What goals have you set for your tenure as President?

I’d love to get us back to the lofty heights of winning another Club Championship, which is a big task, but one I feel we can achieve with such a talented core of players, coaches & committee! The search for more and more players is tough, but having seen this years efforts and been a part of the changes in divisions over the years shows we can do it with everyone pulling in the same direction

Any truth to the rumours that you’re considering coming out of retirement?

Only on May 8th for the Brothers game! Seriously, having run the line for 3 hours last weekend, and seeing the hits out in the middle, there’s no value I could add any more than the youth coming through! It’s great to see a good number of props trialling…. perhaps I could stand on the wing?! #wheresomesayialwayshave

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